
Extending a ColdBox App's Lock Timeouts

Luis Majano |  March 12, 2009
By default, any ColdBox app has a lock timeout of 30 seconds for their requests.  If longer running processes occur in which they do not give the lock away (for whatever reason it is) there could be a chance of the request to timeout and throw and error.  Therefore, you might be interested in maybe increasing it on high availability applications in order to allow longer running processes to finish.  In order to tweak this setting, you should open your Application's Application....
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ColdBox 2.6.3 is almost here...

Luis Majano |  February 05, 2009
We have been working hard on solidifying the enhancements introduced in ColdBox 2.6.2, which by the way, rocked.  We introduced new model integration features that will let you talk to model objects, persist them and yes, autowire them.  2.6.2 introduced a brand new dependency injection framework based on metadata (annotations) and a cool DSL (Domain Specific Language).  Anyways, you can check out al...
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