
Luis Majano

October 15, 2008

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Happy 4th of July!! And to commemorate this great holiday, why not have a surprise features. Yes, CFEclipse tag insight, function and scope insight for ColdBox. You can now have insight into the major scopes of ColdBox like event, rc, controller and also all the methods that are used in event handlers, plugins, layouts and views. WOW!! A handy way of coding, and much much faster.

Event Insight

Is this awesome or what!! This will help your development as you can see the latest syntax for the major components of ColdBox. All you need to do, is download the dictionary and follow the instructions found at

Event Insight

That is it, you will now have function and scope insight right from CFEclipse. I HAVE UPDATED THE DISTRIBUTION ZIP FILE TO INCLUDE THE CFECLIPSE DICTIONARY

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Jul 04, 2007 18:44:28 UTC

by AJ Mercer

Wow - this is fantastic!! Have you caught up with Mark Drew at any of the CF events recently? I noticed there was a HTML.xml in the plugin directory, so I added that to my dictionary config as well - now I have HTML tags in cfEclipse. Aaaand, there was a Railo1 - but this does not look complete. Enjoy your Independence Day :-)

Jul 10, 2007 12:42:08 UTC

by John Hodorowicz

Thanks Luis!! The dictionary doesn't seem to work within cfscript blocks for me (on Eclipse 3.3 and CFEclipse I'm not sure if it's my configuration or it's broken. Thanks for all the updates.

Jul 10, 2007 13:16:02 UTC

by Luis Majano

Hi John Scope insight does not work within cfscript tags due to cfeclipse. I believe there is a ticket for it with CFEclipse. Function insights work, but the behavior within cfscript is not the one you get while not using it. If you want, you can also start a thread on the cfeclipse group. Too bad, I love cfscript!!

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