
ColdBox Training next week at CFUnited 2009

Luis Majano |  August 03, 2009
CFUnited 2009 is coming up REAL FAST and we still have seats available for ColdBox Training.  This is a full day of ColdBox training that will blow your socks off.  You don't want to miss this!  The course is CBOX-100 and you can find more information about it here.

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A ColdBox plugin for ValidateThis!

Luis Majano |  July 24, 2009
Bob Silverberg just announced the availability of a ColdBox plugin for interacting with his Validate This! framework!  I highly encourage you to test drive Validate This as it is truly an awesome validation framework.  He not only did the plugin but adapted a sample application to work with it.

So if you are still trying to determine validation and want an easy and great solution, give ValidateThis a shot!  Here are some links for you:

Coldbox SimpleMVC Demystifyed

Luis Majano |  July 23, 2009

I have been asked quite a few times why not make a ColdBox lite version where you can only have the basics?  Well, not many people now that this already exists.  Therefore, I am linking to the SimpleMVC template you can use if you are just starting with ColdBox.  This template is just the basic ColdBox conventions and a few settings, that's it. This template will ease you in to ColdBox MVC development.  Once you are comfortable with just the basics of how to build apps with conventions you can always add on and start brining in extra features from the Coldbox Platform like: caching, logging, AOP, interceptors, feed integrations, security, etc.  However, you won't feel as intimidated as if you where starting with a huge settings file.

The reason of having all the settings listed out is to tell the developer that there are all these settings you can use.  It is also hard to create templates when everybody's level and approach is different.  However, this can be overwhelming to entry level users, therefore we are now including the SimpleMVC template in the coldbox downloads to come or you can download it from here now: (3.0 template)

So let's do a simple ColdBox for Newbies guide:

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Announcing our ColdBox Jobs Community

Luis Majano |  July 22, 2009
Thanks to Elite Open Source Jobs (, we are now online to offer jobs to the ColdBox community.  We are just starting today so there are no job postings as of now, but I encourage any company, developer or manager out there to please check this post out and continue reading.

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LogBox Beta 3 Released

Luis Majano |  July 19, 2009
A brand new update to LogBox is now online and on SVN.  This update includes mostly fixes and more fixes.


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ColdBox 2.6.4 Released

Luis Majano |  July 17, 2009
This is a very small update that just let's you CF9 folks to get up and running better.  So grab this update so you can have all the CF9 goodness.

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ColdBox Training In August: CFunited 2009

Luis Majano |  July 16, 2009
CFUnited 2009 is coming soon and we still have seats available for ColdBox Training.  This is a full day of ColdBox training and goodness.  You don't want to miss this!  The course is CBOX-100 and you can find more information about it here.

Intro to ColdBox is an intense 1-day training course that will get you start...
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LogBox Beta 2 Released

Luis Majano |  July 16, 2009
Another happy LogBox day.  Today we are releasing a quick beta update to LogBox.  This update includes a fix thanks to Mark Mandel and one of my favorite features: Category Inheritance. First of all, LogBox is an Enterprise Logging Library that is part of the up and coming ColdBox 3.0.0 Platform Suite.  It is completely standalone from ColdBox MVC and can be used in any project you like.  The full documentation can be found here:
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Would you like a private request collection?

Luis Majano |  July 13, 2009

This topic has been going on for a while, where some people have come up with the idea of having a private request collection that is unaffected by the incoming URL/FORM/REMOTE variables but still have access to it via the request context object.  You already CAN do this by just building a simple request context decorator.  However, some people think that this could be a cool core addition.  I am starting to think so also, so here are my thoughts on the topic.

The purpose of this pos...

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LogBox Appenders - Submit your own appenders

Luis Majano |  July 13, 2009

As you have probably read a few days ago we released LogBox: An enterprise ColdFusion Logging Library, part of the new ColdBox 3.0.0 Platform Suite.   The library's core of logging takes place thanks to its appenders that send messages to different destinations.  As of now, the distribution has 11 appenders included, but if you want to build your own, you can very very easily.  Not only that, since we are in Beta, you can submit your appenders and we will include them in the distribution if t...

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