
CommandBox 5.9.0 Released!

Brad Wood |  May 01, 2023

We are pleased to announce the release of CommandBox 5.9.0.  This is a minor update which addresses one small regression in 5.8.0, fixes a couple bugs, and introduces a handful of small features, including preliminary support for Java 17.


You can acquire CommandBox 5.9.0 in all the usual places.  O...

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Hackathon Into the Box 2023

Maria Jose Herrera |  April 24, 2023

During the first day of Into the Box Conference, 2023; on May 18th, we're hosting a Happy Box Party where attendees can connect and network. We're excited to announce that this year, we're introducing a new activity: a Hackathon team-up event! This hackathon is an excellent opportunity for tech enthusiasts to come together, collaborate, share their skills and knowledge, and work on innovative projects that tackle real-world problems. We hope you'll join us for this exciting time! 

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Just one month for Into the Box 2023!

Maria Jose Herrera |  April 18, 2023

Our biggest Into the Box conference is around the corner; Big shoutout to everyone already signed in and of course to all the amazing leading companies supporting the event; we’re excited to learn alongside you at our 10th anniversary!

If you haven't registered yet, what are you waiting for? Get 15% off your Only conference and All Access tickets using the code: lastmonthitb or click on the link below! 

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CFCamp Pre-Conference Workshops

Maria Jose Herrera |  April 14, 2023

We are excited to announce our participation at CFCamp 2023; We will lead a couple of workshops at the Pre-Conference of the event on Wednesday, June 21st, in Munich, Germany. Luis Majano, Eric Peterson, and Dan Card will be the experts leading the workshops, bringing you a deep dive into Modern CFML and up-to-date web development tools to improve your projects and maximize your programming skills.

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New OpenAI-powered documentation ChatBot released

Brad Wood |  March 24, 2023

Ortus has released an OpenAI-powered ChatGPT service for interacting with for Documentation.  This new service is powered by OpenAI, the makers of ChatGPT and is loaded with all of our most recent Gitbook documentation. 

Click over to our Community post to read more about how it works and where to access it:

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CommandBox 5.8.0 Released!

Brad Wood |  March 04, 2023

We are pleased to announce the release of CommandBox 5.8.0, which comes with a handful of new features and some important library updates.


As usual, you can acquire the latest release from our download page or your favorite HomeBrew or apt/yum repo

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CBSecurity 3.1 Released

Luis Majano |  February 20, 2023

We are happy to announce our first minor release for CBSecurity v3.1.0, with some nice updates and a new password generator.

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ColdFusion Summit East 2023 MVC Training Workshop

Luis Majano |  February 16, 2023

We are excited to announce a training workshop before the ColdFusion Summit East in Washington, D.C., on April 4th, 2023. Luis Majano, the creator of The ColdBox Platform, will be leading this workshop, bringing you a deep dive 1-day workshop: ColdFusion MVC for Dummies.

The workshop will combine a variety of theories, hands-on coding, and best practices to give you all the tools needed to leave the workshop ready to build MVC-powered apps when you return to your office.

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qb 9.0.0 Released

Eric Peterson |  February 06, 2023

A new major release of qb is now available on ForgeBox! This comes jam-packed with awesome features like new SQLite grammar support and SQLCommenter support to add contextual comments to your queries. Breaking changes include dropping support for older Adobe ColdFusion versions, splitting the uuid SchemaBuilder method, pagination changes when maxRows is 0 or lower, and changes to some default settings.

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CBSecurity 3.x Released

Luis Majano |  January 30, 2023

We are incredibly excited to release CBSecurity 3. This is a significant release with over six months of work invested in it. We have completely revamped our security module to make ColdBox applications secure, flexible, and ready for the upcoming ColdBox 7 release. The first major announcement for this release is that we have a brand-new logo!

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