
Luis Majano

February 16, 2023

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We are excited to announce a training workshop before the ColdFusion Summit East in Washington, D.C., on April 4th, 2023. Luis Majano, the creator of The ColdBox Platform, will be leading this workshop, bringing you a deep dive 1-day workshop: ColdFusion MVC for Dummies.

The workshop will combine a variety of theories, hands-on coding, and best practices to give you all the tools needed to leave the workshop ready to build MVC-powered apps when you return to your office.

Workshop Information

Workshop Description

In this 1-day training, we will demystify using an MVC framework to build secure web applications and APIs in ColdFusion (CFML). We will start our adventure by setting up a modern development environment with CommandBox and leveraging its automation and package management tooling to create applications and servers quickly. We will go through all the basics of MVC and how it compares to building traditional ColdFusion applications. We will create an application using Behavior Driven Development testing techniques, CBsecurity for securing our application, Database Migrations, and fluent query building. Yes, we will see testing, and it won't be scary!

Get ready to transform yourself into an MVC coding machine!


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