
May Newsletter 2024!

Maria Jose Herrera June 06, 2024

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Maria Jose Herrera

June 06, 2024

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May 2024 Updates & News

Welcome to Ortus Solutions’ monthly roundup, where we're thrilled to showcase cutting-edge advancements, product updates, and exciting events! Join us as we delve into the latest innovations shaping the future of technology. Let’s get started!

Welcome to the Era of BoxLang!

Our biggest news as must of you may already know is BoxLang release; a modern, dynamically and loosely typed scripting language for multiple runtimes.

Finally, the wait is over! After a lot of intrigue and almost 10 months of extremely hard work, we can finally tell you about the most important release of the year for us at Ortus:

BoxLang: Multi-Runtime Dynamic JVM Language

BoxLang is a modern dynamic JVM language that can be deployed on multiple runtimes: operating system (Windows/Mac/nix/Embedded), web server, lambda, iOS, android, web assembly, and more. BoxLang combines many features from different programming languages, including Java, ColdFusion, Python, Ruby, Go, and PHP, to provide developers with a modern and expressive syntax.

BoxLang has been designed to be a highly adaptable and dynamic language to take advantage of all the modern features of the JVM and was designed with several goals in mind:

  • Be a rapid application development (RAD) scripting language and middleware;.
  • Unstagnate the dynamic language ecosystem within Java.
  • Be dynamic, modular, lightweight, and fast.
  • Be 100% interoperable with Java.
  • Be modern, functional, and fluent (Think mixing CFML, Node, Kotlin, Java, and Clojure)
  • Be able to support the following runtime environments and future runtimes through modularity:
    • Native OS Binaries (CLI Tooling, compilers, etc.)
    • Servlet Containers - CommandBox/Tomcat/Jetty/JBoss
    • Serverless (AWS Lambda/Azure Functions)
    • JSR-223 Common JVM Scripting API
    • Android/iOS Devices
    • Web assembly
  • Compile down to Java ByteCode
  • Allow backward compatibility with the ColdFusion/CFML Language

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Into the Box 2024 Keynote Day 1 - Recap

Experience the full potential of BoxLang by watching our live keynote recording. Dive deep into the innovative features and capabilities that BoxLang brings to the table. Don't miss out on this opportunity to see BoxLang in action and understand how it can transform your workflow. Click below to start watching now!

Read Full Recap

Into the Box 2024 Keynote Day 2 - Recap

Keynote Day 2 at Into the Box 2024 was a landmark event for modern CFML developers. Ortus Solutions delivered a series of exciting updates and announcements that promise to redefine the development experience. Here’s a recap of the highlights

Product Updates and Features - Index

  1. State of ColdBox
    1. 7.x ColdBox Recap Release
    2. 8.x ColdBox Release
  2. CBDebugger
    1. CBDebugger v4.0
    2. CBDebugger c4.2
    3. Live Request Debugging
    4. Overview Dashboard
    5. Coming Soon!
  3. State of ContentBox
    1. 5.x Series - Aug 2021
    2. 6.x Series - June 2023
    3. Recap of Releases v6.x
    4. Content Templates
    5. Smart Relocations
    6. ContentBox 6: CBFS
    7. ElasticSearch for ContentBox
    8. ContentBox v7: What’s New?
  4. State of CommandBox
    1. CommandBox 6 Release Recap 5.CommandBox Pro
    2. CommandBox Pro Multi-Site
    3. Site Configurations
    4. CommandBox Installer
    5. Docker: CommandBox Pro 6
    6. New: Iron Bank CommandBox Images
  5. CBWire News and Updates
    1. What is CBWire?
    2. Why CBWire?
    3. What isn’t CBWire?
    4. CBWire v4 IS HERE!
    5. CBWire Case Study
  6. State of QB
  7. State of Quick
  8. State of Hyper
  9. State of CBQ
  10. ColdBox Vite Plugin 12.State of Megaphone 13.CBSecurity Passkeys
  11. Life is more than Software
  12. Missions We Support 16.Watch the Live Keynote Recording on Youtube
  13. Follow our socials and support our tools and projects

Keynote Day 2 Recap

Upcoming Events

Open South Code 2024

Ortus Solutions Returns to Open South Code 2024

We're thrilled to announce that Ortus Solutions is back as a proud sponsor of Open South Code in Malaga, Spain! This year, we're excited to showcase BoxLang, a revolutionary dynamic language poised to reshape how developers approach applications in a constantly evolving world.

The Dynamic Language we need for the future! Much like life itself, code needs to adapt. Today you're building web applications, tomorrow it's tablets, APIs, or even serverless functions. BoxLang empowers developers to embrace this dynamic future with its multi-runtime capabilities.

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Ortus Solutions Soars Back to CFCamp 2024

CFCamp 2024

We're thrilled to announce that Ortus Solutions is returning to CFCamp Munich for another year! We're incredibly proud to be a continuing sponsor of this fantastic event and can't wait to connect with the ColdFusion community once again.

  • Taking Center Stage with the Day 1 Keynote

Get ready for some deep dives into the world of BoxLang! Ortus Solutions will be kicking off CFCamp with a dynamic keynote address on day 1. This is your chance to gain valuable insights and discover the latest trends shaping the 2024 landscape.

  • Unveiling the Power of Ortus Solutions

But the excitement doesn't stop there! Throughout the conference, Ortus Solutions will be presenting a series of engaging sessions designed to empower you and your development

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Into the Box 2025 Blind Tickets are Now Available!

Into the Box 2025

The Future is Dynamic, and we are ready to Guide you Through It!

Ortus Solutions is thrilled to announce the release of blind tickets for Into the Box 2025, the premier event for web developers. This year's conference promises to be a game-changer, especially with the unveiling of our groundbreaking new product, BoxLang. Our team is working hard to get all modern CFML developers amazing tools and software features to improve their productivity.

Event Details:

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Recent Entries

BoxLang 1.0.0 Beta 7 Launched

BoxLang 1.0.0 Beta 7 Launched

We are pleased to announce the release of BoxLang 1.0.0-Beta 7! This latest beta version includes improvements and essential bug fixes, but more importantly it certifies the execution of ColdBox HMVC and TestBox.

What is BoxLang?

BoxLang is a modern dynamic JVM language that can be deployed on multiple runtimes: operating system (Windows/Mac/*nix/Embedded), web server, lambda, iOS, android, web assembly, and more. BoxLang combines many features from different progr

Luis Majano
Luis Majano
July 26, 2024
New BoxLang Feature: Java Method References and Higher-Order Functions

New BoxLang Feature: Java Method References and Higher-Order Functions

We’ve added more goodies to our BoxLang Java interop: method references and higher-order functions. CFML has never let you do these things, making Java Interop feel like a second-class citizen. But with BoxLang, we’re elevating Java integration to a new level.

Maria Jose Herrera
Maria Jose Herrera
July 26, 2024
Level Up Your ColdFusion Skills with our Virtual Live Training: ColdBox from Zero to Hero

Level Up Your ColdFusion Skills with our Virtual Live Training: ColdBox from Zero to Hero

Level Up Your ColdFusion Skills with our Virtual Live Training: ColdBox from Zero to Hero

Are you a CFML developer looking to take your skills to the next level? Look no further than the ColdBox from Zero to Hero Virtual Live Training! This intensive two-day course will equip you with the knowledge and expertise to build robust and scalable applications using ColdBox 7, the latest version of the most popular CFML MVC framework.

What You'll Learn:

  • Master the Fun...

Cristobal Escobar
Cristobal Escobar
July 24, 2024