
Cristobal Escobar

May 24, 2024

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Ortus Solutions Returns to Open South Code 2024: Introducing the Dynamic Future with BoxLang!

We're thrilled to announce that Ortus Solutions is back as a proud sponsor of Open South Code in Malaga, Spain! This year, we're excited to showcase BoxLang, a revolutionary dynamic language poised to reshape how developers approach applications in a constantly evolving world.

The Dynamic Language we need for the future!

Much like life itself, code needs to adapt. Today you're building web applications, tomorrow it's tablets, APIs, or even serverless functions. BoxLang empowers developers to embrace this dynamic future with its multi-runtime capabilities.

Dynamic : Modular : Productive

BoxLang redefines development with its dynamic nature. Write expressive and functional code with ease. Its modular architecture prioritizes flexibility, seamlessly integrating into your existing ecosystems.

Bridging the Gap Between Tradition and Modernity

BoxLang seamlessly bridges the gap between traditional and modern paradigms with full interoperability with Java. Unlock new possibilities for innovation and collaboration, leveraging the strengths of both worlds.

Unleash the Power of Multi-Runtime

BoxLang adapts to your needs. From tiny embedded devices to cloud functions, BoxLang runs on various platforms, including native OS binaries, web servers, Android devices, WebAssembly, and more.

Modernity Meets Tradition: A Language for Forward Thinkers

Experience the best of both worlds! BoxLang combines modern features inspired by CFML, Node.js, Ruby, Kotlin, Java, and Clojure with the familiarity of Java bytecode compilation. This makes BoxLang the perfect choice for developers who want to embrace the future without abandoning their existing knowledge.

Seamless Transition with Transpiler Support

Migrating from CFML to BoxLang is smooth sailing. Our JIT transpiler facilitates a seamless transition, preserving your existing code investments.

Unleash Creativity with Powerful IDE Tools

BoxLang offers powerful IDE tools specifically designed to enhance your development experience. Streamline your workflow and unleash your creativity with intuitive features tailored for BoxLang.

Join the BoxLang Revolution at Open South Code

We invite you to join us at Open South Code in Malaga as we embark on a journey to redefine development on the JVM.

Welcome to the era of BoxLang!

Don't miss our presentation at the conference! We'll be diving deeper into BoxLang's features and showcasing its potential to transform development.

Register at and join us at La Térmica Malaga next June 21 and 22

Stay tuned for more details about our presentation time and booth location.

#BoxLang #OpenSouthCode #JVMLanguages #DynamicDevelopment #OrtusSolutions #JVM #ObjectOriented #FunctionalProgramming #MetadataProgramming

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