
Simple CSS Based Graphing ColdBox Plugin

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Russ Johnson, of team coldbox, has just released his new graphing plugin based on CSS. The plugins looks awesome and so simple to use. Thanks Russ!! You can download the plugin here.

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New ColdBox Addons - Transfer Config Factory and Transfer Decorator Injector Observer

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I am releasing today a set of addons for ColdBox-Transfer interactivity:

  1. TransferConfigFactory.cfc : A factory cfc that produces transfer configuration objects based on ColdBox Datasource configurations. This is thanks to Tom de Manincor
  2. TDOBeanInjectorObserver.cfc : A transfer observer based on
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Early Bird Pricing on ColdBox Training ends in 4 days!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

The early bird pricing for the ColdBox Training Seminar ends in 4 days, so get to it and register online.

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Some ColdBox Forums Data Lost!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I had a huuge scare today when my hosting provider's raid system fell and I got corruption on my databases. They where able to recover about 95% of my data, but I lost about 10 days worth of data on the forums and other applications. Although unfortunate, it was not tragic. If you created a forums account or posting since july 20th, please note that they are in limbo now!! Sorry for the inconvenience

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ColdBox Eclipse Plugins Updated

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

A new update version 1.0.4 is now online at the eclipse update site. So please update your ColdBox Eclipse plugins to get the latest and greatest. If you don't know how to update your plugins, just head to the Eclipse Plugins Installation Guide Thanks

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Implicit Views in ColdBox

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I really forgot to blog about this, but Tony Garcia has done an incredibly useful post about how to go about setting up ColdBox for Implicit Views. As part of his trajectory I even committed an update to the layout manager due to what he was trying to do. I really recommend that you read this article if you love conventions. Great Job Tony!!

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Coldbox and the CFEclipse Frameworks Explorer

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I believed that this functionality was already enabled in the distro of CFEclipse, but like Marc Esher confirmed it has been left out. So if you are reading (mark drew), por favor activalo amigo!! Anyways, he wrote a cool guide on how to activate it and it is very simple. Please go to his blog and read this article.

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Two new members to the ColdBox Team: Tom de Manincor and Ernst van der Linden

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I want to welcome two new members to the ColdBox Team today, Tom de Manincor and Ernst van der Linden.  Their dedication and contributions to the project have been incredible over the years. We are also good friends and best of all we where all in different locations. Tommy is now living in California, but before he was all over the place :).  Ernst is from The Netherlands and talk about world collaborati...

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ColdBox Training Early Bird Extended

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

We have extended our Early Bird Pricing until August 31st, 2008 to allow time for other people to benefit from this great price. You can register online by visiting and clicking on the Register Now Button.

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Over 3000 ColdBox downloads already!!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I was really impressed and happy to report that there are over 3000 ColdBox downloads since the new website a couple of months ago. It seems that the downloads keep increasing and so does the documentation :) I just want to thank the entire ColdBox team for their work and perseverance in this great project. Keep up the good work guys!!

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