
Gavin Pickin

December 21, 2022

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It's that time of year again. Trees are lit, presents are being wrapped, and relatives are coming to visit. That's right, it's time again for the 12 days of Christmas-- 2022 ITB Video Release Edition! 

Today, Day 10's Videos from Into the Box 2022 Conference, 2 sessions about docker and AWS CI/CD

For the next 12 business days up until Christmas, we'll be releasing a series of related videos each day on the CFCasts site for our Paid and Unpaid CFCasts Subscribers, and a announcement with titles, descriptions, and links to the videos, right here on the Ortus blog. Consider it our early Christmas gift to you.

We were planning on releasing the videos on Dec 24th, but we couldn't wait any longer.

Todays Videos

Today, Day 10's Videos from Into the Box 2022 Conference, 2 sessions about docker and AWS CI/CD

Charlie Arehart - Comparing and contrasting Docker images from Ortus, Adobe, and Lucee - Free

Most who attend ITB may know about the Ortus Commandbox Docker images for ACF and Lucee, but there are in fact other container images available from Adobe and Lucee directly. How do these all differ? Why might someone choose one approach over the other?

Seth Stone - Quick Start for CICD Automation on AWS

In this talk we'll demonstrate using CommandBox to generate CloudFormation templates on-the-fly that deploy to AWS as fully-configured and fully-automated CI/CD pipelines. Then we'll further explore how to customize the system for your application by securely injecting environment variables (secrets), automating testing with TestBox and configuring auto-scaling. In less than an hour we'll accomplish what would normally take days to piece together from scratch using AWS documentation alone.

Check out the ITB Recap here

All the video will be added to this Series

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