
Luis Majano

March 31, 2014

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We are proud to announce today a nice minor release for Ortus DataBoss version 1.3.0.  This release fixes lots of UI cosmetic issues and adds many improvements not only to the UI but also to better listing visualizations when having many-to-one and one-to-one relationships.

The major updates of this release is the capability to visualize many-to-one and one-to-one relationships on the listing screens now.  They also respect the db_display annotation as well, so you can pick and choose what shows on the listing screen.  This is great for visualizing many-to-many or relationships.

We have also added a new HTML control called "datetime" which allows you to split a timestamp or datetime field into a date and time picker.

Bugs Squashed

  • [DATABOSS-66] - i18n not working with module when in trial mode
  • [DATABOSS-69] - Incorrect message/link on collection manager for M2M
  • [DATABOSS-73] - Sorting entity on multiple columns breaks M2M drop down
  • [DATABOSS-75] - Boolean toggle styles don't switch correctly
  • [DATABOSS-76] - HTML not escaped on data table for O2M in collection manager
  • [DATABOSS-81] - Time fields won't display on non-string values
  • [DATABOSS-85] - help text doesn't show for all field types

New Features & Improvements

  • [DATABOSS-71] - Delete O2M relationships from the collection manager is now available
  • [DATABOSS-72] - Show M2O and O2O relations in entity list screen
  • [DATABOSS-68] - Adding O2M from collections manager redirects to the same location back
  • [DATABOSS-77] - Entity data type constraints fails with errors when different types
  • [DATABOSS-78] - Leave validation errors on screen
  • [DATABOSS-82] - Show calendar date drop down AND time controls for a single date field

What is DataBoss?

Ortus DataBoss is an application that will help you manage CFML Object Relational Mapper (ORM) objects without the need of writing administrative code for them; thus a Dynamic Administrator.  DataBoss will talk to the underlying ORM engine (Hibernate) and get all the necessary information to manage all the ORM entities and its relationships in that specific CFML application DataBoss has been deployed to.  You can watch our introductory video to get a quick overview of what DataBoss is and how it can benefit your development.




  • Download as a standalone application that can integrate with any framework or application
  • Download as a ColdBox module so it can integrate with any ColdBox 3.5 application
  • Automatic Hibernate ORM entity detection and analysis
  • Ability to manage all supported Hibernate relationships: One-To-Many, Many-To-One, One-To-One, Many-To-Many
  • Ability to manage multi-level inheritance relationships
  • Internationalized and localized for: English, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese and more
  • Ability to create/edit/delete and multi-delete any managed entity and its data
  • Built-in form validation based on ColdBox Validation and ORM metadata
  • Customizable validation rules
  • Customizable HTML 5 controls for persisted properties: Checkbox, Radio Buttons, Multi-Select, Text, Email, URL, Password, Textarea, Super Lite Rich Text Editor, Date Picker
  • Ability to paginate entity records and do inline filtering/sorting of data
  • Easily interface layout overrides if ran as a ColdBox Module
  • Easily extend the custom CSS framework
  • Ability to reload the ORM engine a-la-carte
  • Application responsive design ready for phone and tablet usage
  • Database null support



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