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ColdFusion ORM - filtered has[property] gotcha...

Curt Gratz |  March 02, 2010

I was working more with Coldfusion 9 ORM and found another small caveat I thought I would share.  When working with a relationship that is filtered, the implicit "has[property]", the has does not take into account the filter.  The implicit get works as expected however.  Consider the following persistent cfc...

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ColdFusion ORM - filtered has[property] gotcha...

Curt Gratz |  March 02, 2010

I was working more with Coldfusion 9 ORM and found another small caveat I thought I would share.  When working with a relationship that is filtered, the implicit "has[property]", the has does not take into account the filter.  The implicit get works as expected however.  Consider the following persistent cfc...

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jQuery tabs and IE caching...

Curt Gratz |  February 02, 2010

I ran into an interesting issue using the jQuery UI tabs ajax style and Internet Explorer. 

If you setup the tabs with the with the cache turned off, they will still be cached in IE.   I had worked around this issue by adding a counter that changed every time to my href for the tab, but I found a more elegant solution and thought I would share.

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jQuery tabs and IE caching...

Curt Gratz |  February 02, 2010

I ran into an interesting issue using the jQuery UI tabs ajax style and Internet Explorer. 

If you setup the tabs with the with the cache turned off, they will still be cached in IE.   I had worked around this issue by adding a counter that changed every time to my href for the tab, but I found a more elegant solution and thought I would share.

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Using the ColdBox Paging Carrousel Plugin

Luis Majano |  December 10, 2009

Let's learn how to use the paging carrousel plugin for ColdBox found in the ForgeBox directory.  First of all, download the plugin and drop in your custom plugins folder.

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Using the ColdBox Paging Carrousel Plugin

Luis Majano |  December 10, 2009

Let's learn how to use the paging carrousel plugin for ColdBox found in the ForgeBox directory.  First of all, download the plugin and drop in your custom plugins folder.

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ColdBox 3 Workshop With CF9 ORM Online

Luis Majano |  October 16, 2009

We did a hands on workshop at our Inland Empire User group yesterday in Pomona, California.  We had fun installing CF9, Adobe CF Builder and ColdBox 3 Beta.  We managed to build a simple task manager with all the new nice ORM features and coldbox 3.0.0 features.  So if you are interested in seeing the workshop online, here is the recording: 

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ColdBox 3 Workshop With CF9 ORM Online

Luis Majano |  October 16, 2009

We did a hands on workshop at our Inland Empire User group yesterday in Pomona, California.  We had fun installing CF9, Adobe CF Builder and ColdBox 3 Beta.  We managed to build a simple task manager with all the new nice ORM features and coldbox 3.0.0 features.  So if you are interested in seeing the workshop online, here is the recording: 

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Some ColdFusion Development Best Practices

Luis Majano |  October 05, 2009

We always are trying to help the ColdFusion community as much as we can.  We had a CFC best practices document in our ColdBox documentation site in order to steer developers in the right direction when building components.  I have updated the document to now include more topics than just CFCs.  So if you are interested in collaborating to this document or think some points are useless, please comment and we can make this document better.

So here are our ColdFusion Development Best Pra...

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Some ColdFusion Development Best Practices

Luis Majano |  October 05, 2009

We always are trying to help the ColdFusion community as much as we can.  We had a CFC best practices document in our ColdBox documentation site in order to steer developers in the right direction when building components.  I have updated the document to now include more topics than just CFCs.  So if you are interested in collaborating to this document or think some points are useless, please comment and we can make this document better.

So here are our ColdFusion Development Best Pra...

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