
Luis Majano

October 15, 2008

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This is more of an announcement of the upcoming 1.2.0 features. Since event handler caching will be instilled into the framework, the performance is dramatic. It actually, does not make sense to be creating event handlers for each request. So version 1.2.0 will be the last version to support uncached handlers. The versions after 1.2.0 will have caching of handlers by default. I see no benefit of not caching the handlers. And they can easily be recreated by using fwreinit= url command So. Since event handler caching actually changes A LOT in event execution. The methods will receive the request collection object, instead of the handler being injected with it at creation. What does this imply? Well, mainly the 'rc' scope will become deprecated. You can keep it, however, you must var scope it locally. Example: var rc = arguments.oRC (or whatever the argument is named, still pending) Please keep this in mind. There will also be some changes due to your suggestions, to have a way to distinguish framework methods from local ones. Most likely, the oRC object will also hold some extra methods to invoke some external commands. This is still in the definition process. I guess an example would be on how to run an event from within an event. Example code: oRC.getEventManager().runEvent("event", oRC); I will then run the event and pass in the oRC as you see above. Please give me your input on these upcoming features. The event handler caching is a totally different execution process and some previous version code will have to be altered, but it is for the common good. You will see the execution differences. You will never think you are running your application in a framework. Please give me your input.

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Feb 06, 2007 03:48:06 UTC

by Sana

Hi Luis, Does this will work under load balance. If this only session based then websites running on two physical webserver might have problem. just curious to know that each utitlityof ColdBox will not have problem in clustering environment. Thanks

Feb 06, 2007 12:15:24 UTC

by Luis Majano

Session is no longer in use Sana. Just application scope. So, this is cluster safe. More changes are coming, stay tuned.

Feb 06, 2007 15:28:05 UTC

by Sana

Hi Luis, thats great news, just curious to know what about message plugin, does it will use application scope or not. because i think application scope is the way for clustering environment for these kind of features. Thanks Sana

Feb 06, 2007 15:29:47 UTC

by Sana

Hi Luis, sorry small correction in my question.. thats great news, just curious to know what about message plugin, does it will use application scope or not. because i think application scope is not the way for clustering environment for these kind of features. Thanks Sana

Feb 06, 2007 17:02:33 UTC

by Luis Majano

Sana, The messagebox will now have a choice of storage, either session or client. This is framework-wide. Or can be changed via the plugin API. This gives the programmer the option of storage for the messages.

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