
Luis Majano

June 09, 2014

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We are so excited to bring you TestBox 2.0 and MockBox 3.0!  These releases are major releases of our libraries and include not only great features but a new repository home.  TestBox/MockBox have been decoupled from the ColdBox core and are now available standalone only (  They have also been integrated with CommandBox, our new ColdFusion CLI and package manager, to allow you to download, install and even execute tests in the command line.  We have also made available our integration server builds which can also be installed via our CLI.

You can now do this to install TestBox or MockBox.

// install testbox
box install testbox

// install testbox bleeding edge
box install testbox-be

// install mockbox
box install mockbox

// install mockbox bleeding edge
box install mockbox-be

// Execute tests
box testbox run runner="runner path"

// Generate a bdd spec
box testbox create bdd MySpec


Release Notes


  • [TESTBOX-75] - Suite marked as skipped even when nested suites executed
  • [TESTBOX-76] - assertSame / assertNotSame behaving differently from MXUnit
  • [TESTBOX-77] - Incorrect message for isNotEmpty assertion
  • [TESTBOX-79] - isEmpty returns true when it receives a function
  • [TESTBOX-84] - TestBox is walking up the tree instead of down the tree for beforeEach
  • [TESTBOX-87] - addAssertions() method failure on adding CFCs
  • [TESTBOX-90] - teardown(), afterEach() will only be executed if the test not Failed
  • [TESTBOX-92] - HTML reporter not showing skipped or hidden specs/suites correctly


  • [TESTBOX-73] - Always output variables when using assertEquals()
  • [TESTBOX-81] - Add a shorthand for getMockBox.prepareMock(Object).$getProperty('VarName')

New Feature

  • [TESTBOX-74] - Ability to pass labels to the URL runner to execute only the labels thanks To Juerg Anderegg
  • [TESTBOX-78] - New method to retrieve private variables: getProperty()
  • [TESTBOX-83] - Add echo of test results on ANT build file so you can see results on the console
  • [TESTBOX-88] - Refactor to its new repository
  • [TESTBOX-93] - Integreate with box.json for CommandBox package management
  • [TESTBOX-94] - TestBox now sends a mini report as headers when making HTTP requests to it


Finally, TestBox is also a direct drop-replacement for MXUnit as well.  

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