
Gavin Pickin

April 20, 2017

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These speakers are bringing some wonderful information to the conference that you do not want to miss. ITB 2017 has a lot of great speakers that contribute to this conference.A conference is a lot of work, and we’re thankful for all of those helping us to bring ITB to everyone. These are speakers you do not want to miss. Here's our fourth speaker summary. ### John Farrar - Speaker Interview for ITB 2017 Bring it up for John Farrar! We're happy to have him speak to you at this years Into the Box 2017! John's session: "VUE more with less" For more information about him and what he will be speaking about click the link below. John Farrar - Speaker Interview for ITB 2017 ### Meet Eric Peterson - Speaker Interview for ITB 2017 Eric is a fairly new speaker at CFML conferences, but each one he speaks at, they rope him into presenting, 2 3 or 4 sessions. He always has a lot of great projects going on, and never ceases to impress. We're happy to have him speaker to you at this years Into the Box 2017… and he will be speaking about everything. He has 3 sessions, and he'll probably have more by the time we get to Into the Box. “ColdBox Elixir Deep Dive”, “Making Modules”, and will be assisting with “Behavior Driven Integration Development Exposed” For more information click the link the below. Meet Eric Peterson - Speaker Interview for ITB 2017 ### Meet Raymond Camden - Speaker Interview for ITB 2017 Everyone knows Ray Camden, well maybe not everyone, but I would be surprised if you have been in the CFML community without reading one of his blog posts, or using one of his CFML tools. Ray has done so much for the community, and even though he is working with IBM now, he still frequents a lot of CFML Conferences, sharing all of the new technology he is working with. Ray’s session at ITB this year is a perfect example. Meet Raymond Camden - Speaker Interview for ITB 2017 ### Meet Seth Engen - Speaker Interview for ITB 2017 Seth is a big part of the Box community. His company Computer Know How are sponsors, and contributors to ColdBox, ContentBox and we wouldn't be where we are today without them. Seth is going to take you on a safari, to look at ContentBox in the wild. Check out the link below for more information. Meet Seth Engen - Speaker Interview for ITB 2017 These speakers are bringing new ideas for you to take home. We are so happy to have all of the gracious speakers to make this conference a one of a kind experience. Into The Box is approaching quickly, we hope you can join us, and make this ITB the best ever.This is something you do not want to miss out on. We can not wait to see you there! #### Tickets still available - don't miss out. Get your tickets now

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