
Luis Majano

June 05, 2012

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We are so excited to announce Brad Wood as the ColdBox Platform Evangelist.  Brad has been part of the ColdBox family for quite a long time and has made incredible contributions to the project from intense load testing, performance tuning, platform scalability, dependency injection, memory leak issues, and the list goes on and on.  We are so privlieged that Brad is on board and will be doing some amazing things to improve the direction of the ColdBox Platform.


Brad grew up in southern Missouri where he systematically disassembled every toy he ever owned which occasionally led to unintentional shock therapy (TVs hold charge long after they've been unplugged, you know)  After high school he majored in Computer Science with a music minor at MidAmerica Nazarene University (Olathe, KS).   Today he lives in Kansas City with his wife and three girls where he still disassembles most of his belongings (including automobiles) just with a slightly higher success rate of putting them back together again.  Brad blogs when he can (, and enjoys church, all sorts of international food, and the great outdoors.

ColdFusion History

Brad has been programming ColdFusion for 12 years and has used every version of CF since 4.5.  He first fell in love with ColdFusion as a way to easily connect a database to his website for dynamic pages.  A while back he converted his personal sites to Railo.

Brad also actively participates in the local CF user group (KCDEVCORE).

Web History

Brad currently works as an application programmer/architect and DBA for an enterprise ColdBox-driven app at an international training company.  He enjoys configuring and performance tuning high availability Windows and Linux ColdFusion environments as well as SQL Server.  Things he’s been privileged to learn in the past few years include source control (SVN, Git) , unit testing, Continuous Integration, and Agile (Scrum).

ColdBox History

After experience in FuseBox and Mach II, Brad began using ColdBox about 4 years ago based on its documentation, flexibility, and convention over configuration.  He quickly fell in love and began contributing code and support to the ColdBox platform.  Brad joined Team ColdBox in early 2011, and has given several ColdBox-related presentations in his local user group and as part of online ColdBox Connections.

Future Plans For ColdBox

Brad wholeheartedly believes in the vision of ColdBox and feels it is the most versatile and scalable ColdFusion MVC framework in existence right now.  He personally wants to see more community involvement in the mailing list and an increase in open source code sharing via ForgeBox with user-submitted plugins, modules, and layouts that the entire community can benefit from.  One of his goals is to regularly author blogs, tutorials, sample apps, and screen casts to help build quality documentation that is beginner-friendly and shows people just how easy it is to get started solving problems in CFML’s best framework.  Brad wants to strengthen the ColdBox community by listening to input from the user base and then helping put a roadmap in place that will keep the ColdBox family of frameworks and tools relevant and empowering for developers.  And finally, Brad plans on getting plugged into developer conferences, user groups, and online hangouts to answer questions, listen to feedback, and share the good news about how ColdBox can make developers more productive and provide enterprise tools that simplify any project.

Welcome aboard Brad!

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Jun 06, 2012 19:41:28 UTC

by Curt Gratz

Woot! Congratulations Brad and welcome aboard. Can't wait to see how we grow now.

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