
FORGEBOX v7.1.0 Released

Javier Quintero December 30, 2022

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Javier Quintero

December 30, 2022

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We are so happy to announce a minor release for our package management system. In this release, we take care of some bug fixes reported and a lot of work for our elastic search engine. Now better search results with an improved response time. We have updated our core modules to the latest versions for better security and performance.

Elastic Search Improvements

The elastic search settings have been updated to make the fuzziness search more accurate and to take into consideration, all the fields that are searchable. The indexation process is now much faster and the index is updated correctly when updating packages from CommandBox and the UI to keep the packages information up to date.

New Package Stats Information

We have introduced new tabs on the stats page to include some global information about packages and authors as well as the new and updated packages for the current month. Go check out our new stats information here Public Stats and let's keep growing the community by publishing new packages and sharing them with the CFML world.

Core Dependencies Upgrade

In our mission to keep ForgeBox secure and performing great, we have updated our core libraries to the latest versions. Now ForgeBox is running on ColdBox 7 and using the latest version of CBORM, cbMailServices, Amazon S3 SDK modules which has helped improved the site performance tremendously.

Improved Dependency Manager

Now the dependency tab on the package view allows you to see all production and dev dependencies with their licenses hierchically so you know excactly what are the libraries being used for a specific package and its license information.

Bug Fixes and Security Updates

In our effort to keep our site safe, we have implemented new strategies to take care of potential XSS attacks, spam submissions and taking care of some bugs that were reported by the community.

Release Notes

Here are the full release notes for this release:

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