
ContentBox v2.1.0 Released!

Luis Majano May 06, 2015

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Luis Majano

May 06, 2015

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After many months of development we have finally released ContentBox version 2.1.0.  This is a minor release but it might as well be a major release due to the over 60 different tickets and issues resolved.  This release is one of the biggest in terms of tuning and bug fixes.  As our usage increases, so does the edge-cases and usability issues.  This release addresses a tremendous amounts of usability issues, bug fixes and a plethora of updates and new features.  So let's check out the major features in this release and you can check out the release notes here (

Remember Me

The administrator module login has been updated to allow for session tracking to allow for administrators to remain logged in for 1 day, month, week, etc.  This surely helps in not re-authenticated every session if desired.

No Layout Content

You can now choose the -No Layout- option for content that will allow for the content to be rendered out to the user as-is, with no theme inclusions.  This allows for content to be pulled as-is from Ajax or mobile applications.

Stats Tracker

The entire stats tracker has been updated thanks to the awesome folks from Akitogo.  This will allow for faster stat tracking and also bot protection and ignores.  You can even configure it all from the administrator module and reset stats on a case-by-case basis.

Lucee Support

The entire ContentBox engine is now Lucee 4.5+ compatible and our WAR and Express editions are running also on the Lucee CFML Engine.

ColdBox RC/PRC Integration

Al ContentBox editors now have the capability to render out content from the ColdBox request collection and private request collection by using the following markup: .  This will allow for further integration between CMS and MVC framework, as it allows anything in the life-cycle of the MVC request to deposit content on the RC or PRC scopes that are ultimately available at the content level.

Rate Limiter

Our focus on this release has been on security and performance.  We have added the abilities to activate rate limiting on all requests to the administrator and content modules.  You can fine-tune the engine to only rate-limit cookie-less requests or all requests.  You can also chose the duration and counter stats for the limiting.

Login Tracker


In our continued push on security, thanks to Akitogo yet again, we have fine-tuned a login tracker for the administrator module.  If activated, it will track invalid and valid attempts to the administrator module.  It can also allow for max attempts before blocking requests and a very nice auth log viewer and manager.

SSL Pages

You can now select for a specific page to be available only on SSL mode via the page modifiers. 

Localized Modules

Our push to localizing the admin is in progress and several modules are completely localized in English, Spanish, German, Italian and Portuguese.  

Search Improvements

Administrator and site search has been improved to allow for better creator and editor searching.  You can also choose which content items will appear in the search by using the Display Options or Blog Modifiers respectively.

Content Store Hierarchy

The entire Content Store has been updated to allow for complete hierarchies.  This allows you to logically group content store items instead of only relying with category tagging.  This can produce rich tree models for content store items that can be retrieve in one single JSON call as well.


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