
ColdBox Relax V1.5 Released

Luis Majano October 20, 2011

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Luis Majano

October 20, 2011

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We are proud to announce yet another version of our open source RESTful assistant: ColdBox Relax - RESTful Tools For Lazy Experts! For those of you who do not know what ColdBox Relax is, here you go:

What is Relax? ColdBox Relax is a set of RESTful tools for lazy experts. We pride ourselves in helping developers work smarter and of course document more in less time by providing them the necessary tools to automagically document and test. ColdBox Relax is a way to describe RESTful web services, test RESTful web services, monitor RESTful web services and document RESTful web services.  Now with version 1.5 you can also share RESTful web service definitions and manage a library of RESTful definitions.

So what's new with version 1.5:

  • Ability to define response schemas and response samples for resources with different formats, great for documentation and later validation
  • RelaxURL now pre-populates required paramters or headers on the specific resources to test
  • Ability to export your API's in JSON format
  • Ability to import and register API's in JSON format
  • You can now define your APIs in JSON format that mimicks the ColdFusion structures
  • Ability to switch between API implementations for testing and documentation
  • You can now search your Relax Logs for specific content
  • Migrated the model to use WireBox instead
  • Added JSONLint capabilities to pretty format JSON content
  • Ability to print log entries from the relax logs
  • Generated routes are now generated for both parent application and module routing

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