
ColdBox 4.0 Module Enhancements

Curt Gratz February 02, 2015

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Curt Gratz

February 02, 2015

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One of the biggest things we changed about ColdBox 4.0 is making tons of the core completely modular.  To support this change, we needed to enhance our modules architecture which brought some cool new features to you.  

Module Inception

Every time I talk about ColdBox modules with people, I get asked if modules can contain modules, which up to now wasn't an option. But the first Module Enhancement I'd like to bring to your attention is just that.  We call it Module Inception.  This will allow for even greater ways for you to build and architect your applications.  Modules can be nested to the Nth degree.  Creating a ton of options and flexibility for you the developer in how you organize your code.

Module Dependencies

The next Module Enhancement I'd like to point out is Module Dependencies.  This allows for you to ensure the modules that are needed to support your module are available and active before before your module is loaded.  This is handy in controlling activation order (avoiding chicken and egg problems) and again gives you better options as you architect your applications with modules.

Module Model Wirebox Mappings.

Now your module models will be mapped in Wirebox automatically similar to how your ColdBox model folder is mapped.  The mappings will be setup with the DSL that is model@modulename.  For example.

property name="orderService" inject="OrderService@store";

Of course, if you don't want it to work this way, we give you a setting called autoMapModules that you can set to false if you don't want to map your models in your modules.

These are just a few of the Module Enhancements.  To check them all out, read our wiki page at

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