
cbValidation 2.x Released

Luis Majano February 13, 2020

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Luis Majano

February 13, 2020

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We are so excited to bring you a major release for cbValidation! cbValidation has been around for quite some time and it was about time to give a major boost in development. We have also completely rewritten the documentation to make it more attractive and user-friendly ( Enjoy!

# Install
install cbvalidation

# Update
update cbvalidation

Release Notes


  • feature : Added constraintProfiles to allow you to define which fields to validate according to defined profiles:
  • feature : Updated RequiredUnless and RequiredIf to use struct literal notation instead of the weird parsing we did.
  • feature : Added the Unique validator thanks to @elpete!
  • improvement : Added null support for the RequiredIf,RequiredUnless validator values



  • No more manual discovery of validators, automated registration and lookup process, cleaned lots of code on this one!
  • New Validator: Accepted - The field under validation must be yes, on, 1, or true. This is useful for validating "Terms of Service" acceptance.
  • New Validator: Alpha - Only allows alphabetic characters
  • New Validator: RequiredUnless with validation data as a struct literal { anotherField:value, ... } - The field under validation must be present and not empty unless the anotherfield field is equal to the passed value.
  • New Validator: RequiredIf with validation data as a struct literal { anotherField:value, ... } - The field under validation must be present and not empty if the anotherfield field is equal to the passed value.
  • Accelerated validation by removing type checks. ACF chokes on interface checks


  • Consistency on all validators to ignore null or empty values except the Required validator
  • Formatting consistencies
  • Improve error messages to describe better validation
  • Get away from evaluate() instead use invoke()

Compat & Bugs

  • Bugs : Fixed lots of wrong type exceptions
  • Compat : Remove ACF11 support

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