
ColdBox 2.5.0 Final Release is here!!

Luis Majano October 15, 2008

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Luis Majano

October 15, 2008

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After several months of development, ColdBox 2.5.0 is finally here. This is a truly great release and I want to thank God for his guidance. The release includes tons of new features, updates and fixes. All you need to know about the framework has been documented and can be found at the current wiki: What's New in 2.5.0 Also, a compatibility guide has been created. Most likely all of your 2.0.3 code will be compatible. However, you need to understand the changes that 2.5.0 implements, since it now uses Application.cfc as a bootstrapper. You can find the guide here: Compatibility Guides for 2.5.0 Many people collaborated on this release and there are too many to name, but some are: Sana Ullah, Oscar Arevalo, Russ Johnson, Rob Gonda, Brian LeGros, Tom DeManincor, Matt Quackenbush, Aaron Roberson, Peter Bell, etc... Thanks guys!! Well, enjoy this release, and please let me know what are your thoughts and how "WE, TEAM COLDBOX" can improve on this incredible framework and software toolkit. You can download the software here:
Also, a new cheat sheet has been created and it totally rocks!! It is two pages long and it will help you in almost any ColdBox development. Enjoy this awesome release!!

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Dec 18, 2007 23:57:47 UTC

by O?uz Demirkap?

This is the best news today! :) Thanks for your efforts!

Dec 19, 2007 02:01:15 UTC

by Peter Bell

Congratulations on all of the hard work - I'm looking forward to checking out the new release, and just in time for the holidays too!

Dec 19, 2007 11:40:17 UTC

by Carlos

My web application group, within our company, is still evaluating the adoption of Coldbox for our web application development on several web projects. We have a selected project, that was originally built on CF 4.5, that needs to be reengineered. Other newer projects have been based on ColdBox for evaluation. Fortunately for us, the framework is well documented and the guides on the Trac site are very friendly. Excellent work, sir.

Dec 19, 2007 12:57:05 UTC

by Aaron Roberson

PTL! Great job Luis.

Dec 19, 2007 13:24:35 UTC

by Josh Giese

im really excited about this release. Im tempted to move away from php development

Dec 19, 2007 14:28:48 UTC

by Brad Ascar

Luis, You Rock! Thanks for all of the hard work...... AND documentation.

Dec 19, 2007 19:14:52 UTC

by David Fry

Thanks for all of your hard work!

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