
Luis Majano

October 15, 2008

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Finally you can test drive the up and coming ColdBox 1.2.0. There are so many improvements and enhancements to list here. Below is a sample of the readme. The most notable improvements are IoC integration (coldspring/lightwire), ColdBox in-memory caching manager for event handler caching, plugin caching, custom plugin caching and custom data caching (Event template caching is coming...). The cache is unique, since it displays in the debugging panel the effectiveness of the cache in hits and misses, the amount of items in cache, what items are in the cache, and the reaping parameters. Event handler packages, datasource aliases, and much more. 1.2.0 Milestone Information I will be updating all the guides this week for 1.2.0, so please be patient with me as there is considerable documentation for this release. Please look at the samples gallery, and the most notable is the ColdBoxReader. It has been updated to a services architecture and also uses ColdSpring and ColdBox's new IOC plugin, so please check it out. Well, just head out to the forums to get your brand new 1.2.0 beta. Click here for the 1.2.0 Beta Please make sure to posts you comments and suggestions in the forums, also the bugs. This is important. I need your feedback. I will be posting more information in the coming days. So stay tuned.

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Feb 20, 2007 07:49:24 UTC

by Peter Bell

Will definitely be checking this out - looks cool Luis!

Feb 20, 2007 09:00:12 UTC

by Rob Gonda

Great job mate... looking fw to play with it.

Feb 20, 2007 10:58:28 UTC

by Sana

Hi Luis, its really great work, i am going to implement on my under dev application. get ready for questions: lol Thanks for providing such a great tool to CF community.

Feb 20, 2007 11:56:05 UTC

by Sami Hoda


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