
Luis Majano

September 25, 2009

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It is my pleasure to announce Tom de Manincor as our first ColdBox Certified Trainer.  Tom has been part of ColdBox since the project started and has demonstrated guru skills when it comes down to ColdBox application development.  He has now joined the professional services family of ColdBox and Ortus Solutions and spearheads as the first ColdBox Certified Trainer in our ColdBox Certified Trainer Program.

Our Certified Trainer Program is an affiliate program that allows only highly skilled trainers the ability to give official ColdBox Platform Training Series courses.  The program is by invitation only at the moment, but if you would like more information about our certification program, then please email us at  The premise of the program is to expand the training and knowledge of ColdBox around the world and it includes tons of benefits and insight into the ColdBox Platform.

Tom is based in the Netherlands, so if you are interested in 1, 2 or even 3 day trainings in Europe, please contact us at and we will meet your training needs.  Not only will we be available for on-site trainings in Europe but we will also be doing several training seminars.  As of now, we are planning a 3 day training course before Scotch on the Road this October in Amsterdam.  The dates we have as of this moment are October 22 - 24.  2 days of CBOX-101 and a full day of hands on workshop on the 24th.  We will be opening our event registration in the coming days, so stay tuned to our main training page, this blog or Tom's blog.

So please stay tuned as we take ColdBox training to Europe on a more regular basis.

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