
Gavin Pickin

June 20, 2022

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Into the Box Super Early Bird ticket pricing is over, but you can still get the Early Bird. Last week we had more episodes of the Modernize or Die Podcast - Conference Edition for ITB 2022 and the special Pre-Conference + 3rd Track for Into the Box

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This week we're going to be announcing the some more of the podcast episodes, including workshop information, and more speakers and more sessions.

ITB 2022 Podcast Series - Workshop - TestBox - Getting started with BDD-TDD with Brad Wood

This podcast is a special podcast for attendees or undecided attendees, to get a view of what the workshop has to offer. Brad Wood talks about his upcoming workshop at Into the Box, he talks about who the ideal audience is, and why they should attend. He talks about what will the workshop cover, the requirements for the workshop, and what he hopes the attendees will leave the workshop with.

Announcing - Pre-Conference + 3rd Track for Into the Box

Due to Covid and other reasons, some of the CFML Community Speakers will not be able to make this years Into the Box - but we wanted to include them anyways. After much discussion and debate, we eventually decided, in the efforts to maximize content, and ensuring we have speakers in front of attendees, the best option was to host a third track for the conference, and we’re calling it the pre-conference track.

ITB 2022 Podcast Series - Workshop - VueJs SPA and Mobile App with Rest APIs with Gavin Pickin

This podcast is a special podcast for attendees or undecided attendees, to get a view of what the workshop has to offer, from the Trainers themselves, Gavin Pickin and Daniel Garcia. This workshop will walk us through creating a Quiz Game app with a ColdBox REST API backend and a VueJS Application, written in the Quasar Framework. We will start with the concept, design our database, plan our API, write some tests, build our API, create our Quasar Framework App, and write some VueJS to hit those API Endpoints. This Quiz game will have a real-world use case, as it brings back to life an old ColdFusion / ColdBox concept, delivered in a fresh new way.

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