
Presentation on 2.5.0 Posted.

Luis Majano October 15, 2008

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Luis Majano

October 15, 2008

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First of all, let me apologize for a bad connection and even worse my fan in my mac blew up, so It felt like I was inside of a turbine. Anyways, the presso did not go as I planned, but hey, things happen. We will try again in about two weeks, and hopefully it will work better. For now, you can find the presentations posted up on the wiki if you would like a sneek peek. Again, I apologize, and we will have better luck next time.

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Nov 15, 2007 21:41:32 UTC

by Tony G

Thanks for the slides. Sorry things didn't go smoothly this time. I'll be there again in 2 weeks.

Nov 16, 2007 04:16:49 UTC

by Sana

Luis no worries, next time will have nice presentation. We know your hard work, and incredible development toolkit thanks

Nov 19, 2007 14:11:21 UTC

by Chris Pyle

Thanks for all your effort Luis, even though the preso didn't go as planned the PDF you posted pointed out some great new features. I'm already making heavy use of the interceptors and the coldboxproxy (from Flex) and can't thank you enough for both! I had started with Flex/Coldbox and a separate common model with a "manual" transfer config but driving all the remote access through Coldbox (w/ Coldspring / Transfer and common security, logging and state management facilities) has made things MUCH easier. On the Flex side I've been really happy (and productive) using PureMVC (especially vs. trying Cairngorm). Thanks again! Chris

Nov 19, 2007 14:14:14 UTC

by Luis Majano

Thanks Chris!! That is great stuff!! Hopefully you can post your results on this and give people insight on the Flex/ColdBox integration. Since this is so new, if you write something on it, I can publish it on the wiki. Thanks Chris!!

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