
Luis Majano

October 15, 2008

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I am so happy to announce that the last bug for BlueDragon 7 on ColdBox has been resolved. It was tricky, but it all came down to using "-" on the name of the thread being created. If you have something like: ... This would fail parsing in bluedragon 7 but work as normal in Adobe CF. So I had to replace and come up with better names: ... And voila!!! It works!! So the final bug registered for ColdBox RC 2 has been resolved. Hopefully, no more bugs will creep up. If you have any, then send them in. As of now, THERE HAVE BEEN NO MORE REPORTED COLDBOX RC2 BUGS. This might cause a release soon!! Luis

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Dec 10, 2007 10:43:21 UTC

by Vince Bonfanti

Hi Luis, We investigated this, and it's not really a bug in BD, but a difference in the way CFTHREAD works. BD creates a variable with the name of the NAME attribute, and the "-" character is not valid in a variable name (but we should give a better error message). This is similar to CFQUERY, where a variable with name specified by the NAME attribute is created. Try the following and you'll get an error on both BD and CF: <cfquery datasource="mydsn" name="myquery-#createUUID()#"> ... </cfquery> Out of curiousity, what's the purpose of giving a CFTHREAD a random name? In BD, the NAME attribute is optional, in which case BD will give the thread a system-assigned random name (I don't know if the NAME attribute is optional in CF8). In any case, we're very happy that ColdBox is running on BD 7. Cheers.

Dec 10, 2007 11:04:26 UTC

by Luis Majano

Hi Vince, Thanks for your comment. I think the tricky part of solving it, was that you could not know what the error message meant. So via "Code Smell" the name became the culprit. >Out of curiousity, what's the purpose of giving a CFTHREAD a random name? Yes, the name in CF is mandatory. So I had to create a unique name as a thread is executed by the logger or cache. >we're very happy that ColdBox is running on BD 7. So do I. The performance of ColdBox on BlueDragon is exceptional.

Dec 12, 2007 17:05:36 UTC

by Aaron Roberson

Four days later I check your blog to learn that you've discovered the solution to this "bug". Glad to hear it and great job finding it!

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