
ColdBox at the Boston CFUG

Luis Majano October 15, 2008

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Luis Majano

October 15, 2008

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I had the privilege of presenting at the Boston CFUG last night on the glories of ColdBox. I was cordially invited by mi friend Brian Rinaldi, so first of all, thank you very much Brian for inviting me to speak. It was a very cool presentation showcasing all of the 2.6.0 features, the methodologies behind it and some very cool examples. I showcased a flex app talking to a coldbox application and using the coldbox debugger, being able to monitor and see the data coming in and out of both technologies. Granted my charting blew up (TEST TEST TEST), but overall, it was a great presentation. The presentation recording has been added to the presentations and media section of the wiki or you can launch it here.

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Jul 17, 2008 13:15:10 UTC

by Ernst

Nice presentation Luis! Thanks.

Jul 21, 2008 16:37:07 UTC

by Tony Garcia

Great preso, Luis. I don't know how much you could sense over Connect, but people were very impressed. Even Adobe's own Steven Erat, who was at the meeting (which was held at the Adobe HQ in Newton MA), had favorable things to say.

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