
ColdBox 1.2.0 Becomes 2.0.0 and License Change

Luis Majano October 15, 2008

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Luis Majano

October 15, 2008

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Due to the significant enhancements on ColdBox, the 1.2.0 release now becomes 2.0.0. Why? Well, almost all of my planning for a major release have been done so that is why. I am migrating everything for this and I apologize for the confusions, but this release is deservant of its own version. You can read more on this release at the Trac Site Another important change with this release is a license change. I have moved the framework to an Apache 2 License. This is to facilitate organizations who would like to build on top of ColdBox. This will be a less constrictive license for users and better for the developers and organizations who use ColdBox. Apart from the license duties, you must leave the copyright notices intact in the source code. A visible powered by coldbox logo or text is optional, and not mandatory. Also, please note that work on this project is of my free-will, so your donations go a long way to maintain this project alive. So you can Donate via paypal. Donate Now! Thanks again for your support and stay tuned as more will be revealed in the following days as the launch of 2.0.0 gets near.

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Feb 27, 2007 23:20:33 UTC

by Rob Gonda

First, congrats. I would advice then including a license file with your distro, plus, automate an ant task to include the license in every file when you build.

Feb 27, 2007 23:23:12 UTC

by Luis Majano

Rob, you really need to help me with that. I have not looked at ANT and I am lost. Or point me to the right place where I can get started with ANT. I really want to dedicate the time to learn it this week.

Feb 28, 2007 02:41:46 UTC

by Sana

Hi Luis, Thanks, everyday we have some great news from your end. I was checking wiki, the link is not available, just keen to know the event-model docs.

Mar 01, 2007 12:47:16 UTC

by reuben

Keep up the great work. I really like what you are doing with the framework. One thing I would be very interested to see is the use of OpenID credentials in the system so you could use your OpenID to login to any ColdBox hosted site. I think this would be another great feature to set ColdBox apart from the rest of the pack.

Mar 01, 2007 13:28:03 UTC

by Luis Majano

Hi Reuben, I think this would be great to implement as a custom plugin. If you have any ideas on how to implement this or to even code it. Then please ping me about it.

Mar 01, 2007 14:07:29 UTC

by reuben

I have not done any work with it as yet. I was just reading about the system today and was very please with what I read. Should I do some work with it, I will let you know so a plugin could be developed. I think that is a very good approach to adding OpenID to coldbox so those who don't want it don't have to use it.

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