
Bi-Weekly ColdBox Development Update!

Luis Majano October 15, 2008

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Luis Majano

October 15, 2008

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Well another two weeks go by and work keeps piling up. However, there where several steps forwards with ColdBox this past two weeks. I have been toying with the new website concept and have spent most of my time back in Fireworks and Art Director's Toolkit. Ahh the world of design, how hard are thee!! Anyways, there are several things to report and how progress continues. Also, Compatibility Guide for 2.1.0I have started a Compatibility Guide for ColdBox version 2.1.0. You will find here as work progresses, all the things you need to watch out for when moving to the next release. You will find only compatibility issues in this guide, so updating will be super easy. Guide Updates The majority of the Trac guides and content have been revised and updated. There are still some left that contain old information, but most of them have been revised and will continue to be. Unit Testing I have started to create an entire unit test suite for the entire framework and its capabilities and let me tell you, I should have done this a loooong time ago. It has just solidified the entire code base and you will be able to do test runs on bleeding edge downloads. Tracer in Logger Plugin now persists values The tracer method in the logger plugin was not persisting the values across requests, so tracing to the debugging panel was kind of on display only. Now, it persists across any number of requests until it gets rendered in the debugging panel. A great tool now!! Session & client storage plugins updated Syntax and code enhancement updates. Custom Bug Report - Users can define the bug report to email out. You can now declare a template that will serve as your bug report right in your configuration file. It uses the same syntax and style as your custom error template. So now, you have control of what you send in bug reports. Hurray!! New services: handlerservice and pluginservice Due to the new architectures coming and event caching, two new services have been created and the pluginservice is already rocking!! Miscellaneous Multiple syntax and code enhancements have also taken place in several locations, old code has been removed, etc. The look and feel of the debugger panel has been updated and the cache panel also. Anyways, this concludes the report and see you in two weeks for another report.

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