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Tip of the Week: ColdBox Now More Secure By Default

Brad Wood |  December 19, 2013

We try not to break backwards compatibility in the ColdBox framework, but sometimes there's a compelling reason to do so.  In the notes for the 3.8 release you may have seen [COLDBOX-218] - Default reinit and debug hashed passwords.

Taking a cue from recent breaches on the Internet, we're focusing on making things more "secure by default".  Th...

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Tip of the Week: Behavior-Driven Development and TestBox

Brad Wood |  November 04, 2013

If you haven't heard, the latest addition to the *Box family is TestBox and is currently out in Alpha. It allows for the standard xUnit style of testing that you may already be familiar with in tools like MXUnit. TestBox also allows for a newer style of testing known as Behavior-Driven Development or BDD. BDD helps focus on writing tests that confirm specific business needs are met by your software and typically use some sort of human-readable DSL that allows the test to be self-documenting a...

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Running a ContentBox Cluster on the Jelastic Cloud PaaS

Luis Majano |  October 17, 2013

The folks at Jelastic have published an excellent article about how to deploy ContentBox in their Jelastic Cloud and scale it for distribution.  Here is the article as well:


Today we’ll show you how to deploy ContentBox to the Jelastic Cloud. In this deployment, ContentBox is powered by Railo, an open source CFML engine that can be deployed to any Java Servlet Container. Moreover, you’ll see how to use its embedded Railo CFML cluster cache by the Memcached implementation and how it can help to create a fast and scalable caching layer for ContentBox.

In our case, the clustered cache offers shared session storage for all servers in a cluster. You can then store all the sessions in this cache that are available from all servers in the cluster. In other words, we’ll use Memcached for session replication. So let’s take an easy example.

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Running a ContentBox Cluster on the Jelastic Cloud PaaS

Luis Majano |  October 17, 2013

The folks at Jelastic have published an excellent article about how to deploy ContentBox in their Jelastic Cloud and scale it for distribution.  Here is the article as well:


Today we’ll show you how to deploy ContentBox to the Jelastic Cloud. In this deployment, ContentBox is powered by Railo, an open source CFML engine that can be deployed to any Java Servlet Container. Moreover, you’ll see how to use its embedded Railo CFML cluster cache by the Memcached implementation and how it can help to create a fast and scalable caching layer for ContentBox.

In our case, the clustered cache offers shared session storage for all servers in a cluster. You can then store all the sessions in this cache that are available from all servers in the cluster. In other words, we’ll use Memcached for session replication. So let’s take an easy example.

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New WireBox Ref Card Released

Brad Wood |  October 09, 2013

We have just released the latest installment in our series of getting ...

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Tip of the Week: Amazing Interception Points

Brad Wood |  September 23, 2013

One of the most powerful features of ColdBox are interceptors. They follow a publisher/subscriber model that lets you decouple your application code and latch on to keys points in the ColdBox framework. You can create and announce as many custom interception points as you like, but today I want to review the built-in points that the framework provides you.

All it takes is a simple CFC and a line of config code to register a new interceptor, or "listener" that will be invoked any time an interception point is reached that the CFC is listening for. You can run your own auditing, logging, or re-route the request. Please skim through these and keep them in mind as you build your ColdBox applications.

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New ColdBox LITE Ref Card Released

Luis Majano |  August 13, 2013

ColdBox Platform Ref CardWe are pleased to announce our release of the ColdBox LITE Ref Card.  It is available in PDF form so you can view...

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New ColdBox LITE Ref Card Released

Luis Majano |  August 13, 2013

ColdBox Platform Ref CardWe are pleased to announce our release of the ColdBox LITE Ref Card.  It is available in PDF form so you can view...

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