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ColdBox 2.0.3 & Dashboard 2.2.1 now available!!!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Well, we have done it again, version 2.0.3 of The ColdBox Framework is now out and can be downloaded here. and we have a new logo: This release is the first one to include contributed content from Rob Gonda, Tom de Manincor...

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ColdBox 2.5.0 Beta 1 is now available!!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Well ladies and gentleman, a new era of ColdBox is here and its called ColdBox 2.5.0 : Romans 8:32

This is a major step forwards for ColdBox and I am proud now to announce all the new features (some are left out for beta 2, hush hush). The new Dashboard is still in construction and not included in this beta. The sample applications are unfinished also, but 2.5.0 compliant.

Here are two new guides and the documentation will start its updating cycle starting today:

Compatibility Guide:

New Interceptors Guide:

New Request Context Decorators Guide:


You can find the download in the forums.



Fixes, Updates and New Features for 2.5.0 : Romans 8:32

- #135 Application.cfc Support, Application.cfm + index.cfm combo still supported but will be deprecated by the 2.7 version. Please update your apps to use the included Application.cfc.

- #163 Project Interceptors : You can now intercept calls in over 12 execution points of a user request,

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ColdBox 2.5.0 RC 1 updated, please download fix.

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I have just updated three critical fixes on the RC1 bits that I forgot to include in my script and on my tests. The fixes encompasses the following: 1) Applications running off a root where not registering the handlers property. This has been solved. 2) The multi-threaded logger for coldfusion 8 and bluedragon 7 has been updated with the correct attributes that where missing. 3) The multi-threaded cache manager for coldfusion 8 and bluedragon7 has been updated with the correct attributes ...

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ColdBox RC 2 Now AVAILABLE!!!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

RC 2 includes tons of fixes and the up and coming SES support. Please test to your heart's delight. Download RC 2 Now You can find more guides at the wiki and the What's new guide at That will tell you eve...

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ColdBox 2.5.0 Final Release is here!!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

After several months of development, ColdBox 2.5.0 is finally here. This is a truly great release and I want to thank God for his guidance. The release includes tons of new features, updates and fixes. All you need to know about the framework has been documented and can be found at the current wiki: What...

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ColdBox 2.5.2 and New Official ColdBox Website Released Today!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

ColdBox 2.5.2 is now available! This is an important update that will fix several bugs and some new updates. Also, not only is the new version out, but the new Official ColdBox Website. It has a spanking new look and its full of information for all users. There are several announcements on it, as well as the starting point of turning ColdBox into a Professional Open Source Project. So 2008 will sure be an interesting year for ColdBox, so stay tuned as the website gathers momentum and the next versions are already in the works.

As a sidenote, the entire new website is based on the following technologies that ColdBox recommends as a base for all web development projects:

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New ColdBox Plugin: rssReader, get it from the code depot.

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I have completed a very cool rssReader plugin for the next installment of ColdBox. This is a stand alone plugin that I would like the community to try out and see if it would make sense to add it to the core plugins list for version 2.6.

What is so special on this plugin?

  • Uses a file caching technique by serializing/deserializing the rss structure into bytearrays.
  • The file cache is configurable and has an exposed API for you to use.
  • One standard format for RSS or ATOM feeds
  • ISO86901 and RFC822 Date Formatting and parsing. All dates are translated to standard coldfusion date strings. No need to translate or parse.
  • Easily to configure via your coldbox.xml.cfm
  • Ability to return feed items as a query or array of structures.

Those are some of the features of this plugin. The plugin is built using a cfhttp method, so its compatible with cf7 and cf8. Anyways, take it for a spin and let me know your thoughts on it. Especially if you think the plugin would be beneficial for the next ColdBox version 2.6

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New ColdBox Plugin: rssGenerator, get it from the code depot.

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I have just posted a new plugin for ColdBox called rssGenerator. You can download the plugin pack from the code depot. This plugin is based on the idea of coldfusion 8's cffeed but for any CFMX engine. It will take a standardized structure and convert it into an RSS 2.0 feed. Also, since cffeed offers a capability called column mapper, then so does this plugin. You can pass an optional structure that maps your query's columns to the feed's standard names. That way, you can aggregate any query by just mapping its columns to the feed. Soooo easy!!

In most cases, a database table uses column names that differ from the column names you must use to create the feed. Therefore, you must use the columnmap attribute to map the input query column names to the required column names.

SELECT * FROM orders

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ColdBox Dashboard updated, 2.6.0 beta 1 updated

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I just commited a nice fix for the ColdBox Dashboard so you can create new folders that was left out and pointed out by Dan Sorensen. I have updated the ColdBox 2.6.0 Beta 1 bits for you to have an updated ColdBox Dashboard. I have made several improvements to the ColdBox Dashboard which I have not blogged about, but I will be in the coming days. I will also start blogging about all the great new features in 2.6.0.

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ColdBox 2.6.0 Beta 1 is now available.

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

ColdBox 2.6.0 Beta 1 has been released. This is another major update to the framework and toolkit that encompasses on optimizations, bug fixes and several new features. The full release notes and what's new document have been posted to the wiki and you can check ...

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