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ColdBox 3.0.0 Milestone 4 released!

Luis Majano |  January 19, 2010

WOW! This one took a while but finally our M4 release is now available. So is this a final release, beta, or what? Well, we are taking off the beta name and will use our Milestone release as it is now deemed production ready even though I see a lot of users already running production sites with 3.0.0 Beta. Anyways, this milestone release has tons of fixes and updates in preparation for our next milestone which we should introduce in the coming months in preparation for a Release Candidate in Mid or Late April. Our milestones are evolving as planned and our core is getting more solid and solid with each release. This one especially really tightens the bolts on a lot of features introduced since the first betas. So let's start looking at what we did. However, please look at the tickets that have a (COMPATIBILITY) tag on them, if they do, then this means that this release has changed behavior from previous releases and you must see if you use that particular piece of code because most likely it needs to be updated. Please bear with us as all our docs are been reviewed for updates and more are added every day. Our new wiki is also online, powered by CodexWiki of course, and it will contain only 3.0.0 documentation. The 2.6.4 and less docs will remain in the orginal location. Here are the tickets for this milestone:

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LogBox 1.1 and MockBox 1.1 Released!

Luis Majano |  January 18, 2010
Welcome to another week of wonderful releases.  We start of with our two awesome logging and mocking frameworks LogBox and MockBox.  They have both just graduated to version 1.1 and can be downloaded today as standalone frameworks or via the 3.0.0 M4 bundle, ahh yes, another blog post a...
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ColdBox JSMin Compressor

Luis Majano |  December 23, 2009
Thanks to Henrik Joreteg we have now our very own ColdBox JSMin Compressor for js/css assets.  This plugin is a cool java/coldfusion integration and will compress your css and js assets on the fly and produce compressed versions of your assets.  It will also cache them and concatenate multiple assets into a single js/css file for even more optimiza...
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ColdBox eBook now available!

Luis Majano |  December 10, 2009

The Definitive Guide To The ColdBox Platform is now available as an e-Book, so get it now:
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ColdBox Elastic-Virtual Servers

Luis Majano |  December 04, 2009
We have been working on some elastic-virtual servers for a while now and we are now posting them for consumption.  Our first server is hosted at elastic server and is based on the latest Railo+Resin+Apache configuration.  You will find more CFML Engine(s) as we continue to build them, but you can start downloading now from our main downloads page:
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ColdBox Book now for Kindle!!

Luis Majano |  December 03, 2009

Perfect timing! The Definitive Guide To The ColdBox Platform is now available for Kindle, so get it now at Amazon:
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ColdBox Book Released!

Luis Majano |  December 02, 2009

I am so glad to finally say that the first ColdBox Book: The Definitive Guide To The ColdBox Platform has now been released.  You can purchase it from our e-store now and it will soon be available for purchase in all Amazon stores worldwide.  Please also note that our e...

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Welcome to ForgeBox!

Luis Majano |  November 25, 2009
Welcome to ForgeBoxForgeBox is our new project completely online that will serve the ColdBox community.  ForgeBox is a repository for code entries that spawn from anything ColdBox (plugins, interceptors, apps, code, etc) to anything
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ColdBox 3.0.0 Beta 3 Revision Updates

Luis Majano |  November 15, 2009
We just did a quick release updates to fix some issues with unix based systems and also to fix integration/unit testing.  You can download the new bits and please check out the revision id on the build.

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LogBox Also hits 1.0, get it now!

Luis Majano |  November 13, 2009

LogBox has now reached maturity and hit 1.0 release.  You can download it from our usual downloads center location.
Want to suggest a feature, fix a bug, new something? User your voice:

LogBox is an enterprise ColdFusion logging library designed to give you flexibility, simplicity and power when logg...

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