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Last BlueDragon 7 (cfthread) bug with ColdBox resolved.

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I am so happy to announce that the last bug for BlueDragon 7 on ColdBox has been resolved. It was tricky, but it all came down to using "-" on the name of the thread being created. If you have something like: ... This would fail parsing in bluedragon 7 but work as normal in Adobe CF. So I had to replace and come up with better names: ... And voila!!! It works!! So the final bug registered for ColdBox RC 2 has been resolved. Hopefully, no more bugs wil...

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NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Adopts ColdBox, why shouldn't you? Plus, More news.

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I got word today that I could post this story, so here it is. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory has adopted ColdBox for their web application development on several projects. This is very good news for the ColdBox and ColdFusion community as more and more companies are adopting ColdBox as their framework and software toolkit.

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ColdBox 2.5.0 Final Release is here!!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

After several months of development, ColdBox 2.5.0 is finally here. This is a truly great release and I want to thank God for his guidance. The release includes tons of new features, updates and fixes. All you need to know about the framework has been documented and can be found at the current wiki: What...

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In the Xmas Spirit: What do you want for ColdBox & The ColdBox Dashboard?

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Now that 2.5 is out and the Dashboard 2.2.2 is also out, what do you expect for further releases. Russ Johnson joined team ColdBox and he is brining a tons of new ideas and funky stuff that will blow your mind. But apart from those, what are your expectations on ColdBox? What do you want from this framework AND toolkit!! More plugins? More interceptors? More GUI releated ideas? More debugging tools? What? Also, what are your thoughts on the Co...

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ColdBox 2.5.2 update coming : autowire delight!!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

For those of you interested in downloading the daily build, I have let
the cat out of the bag today, in which we will have version 2.5.2 in the next coming weeks.

Why the update if we are on schedule for 2.6? Well, these features where left out of 2.5 until I was sure they where ok and now they are.

So what does the update include:

1. Two new interception points: afterHandlerCreation, afterPl...

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SSL Interceptor by Ernst van der Linden

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Ernst has just posted his code for an ssl interceptor he just created. It looks awesome so take a look for yourself.

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Spry and ColdBox, what a great combination!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Ernst van der Linden has just finalized his Spry Plugin for ColdBox and it totally rocks. It really simplifies the usage of Spry within any ColdBox application. Not only that, but he has compiled an incredible demo application that...

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ColdBox 2.5.2 and New Official ColdBox Website Released Today!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

ColdBox 2.5.2 is now available! This is an important update that will fix several bugs and some new updates. Also, not only is the new version out, but the new Official ColdBox Website. It has a spanking new look and its full of information for all users. There are several announcements on it, as well as the starting point of turning ColdBox into a Professional Open Source Project. So 2008 will sure be an interesting year for ColdBox, so stay tuned as the website gathers momentum and the next versions are already in the works.

As a sidenote, the entire new website is based on the following technologies that ColdBox recommends as a base for all web development projects:

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Ernst has done it again: ColdBox WebChart3D Plugin!

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

Ernst has done it again! Good job! He has just released his ColdBox WebCharts3D Plugin and it really rocks. So if you are interested in adding webcharts3D functionality to your ColdBox applications, you can do so with ease. Also, webcharts3D is included in ColdFusion.

New ColdBox Plugin: rssReader, get it from the code depot.

Luis Majano |  October 15, 2008

I have completed a very cool rssReader plugin for the next installment of ColdBox. This is a stand alone plugin that I would like the community to try out and see if it would make sense to add it to the core plugins list for version 2.6.

What is so special on this plugin?

  • Uses a file caching technique by serializing/deserializing the rss structure into bytearrays.
  • The file cache is configurable and has an exposed API for you to use.
  • One standard format for RSS or ATOM feeds
  • ISO86901 and RFC822 Date Formatting and parsing. All dates are translated to standard coldfusion date strings. No need to translate or parse.
  • Easily to configure via your coldbox.xml.cfm
  • Ability to return feed items as a query or array of structures.

Those are some of the features of this plugin. The plugin is built using a cfhttp method, so its compatible with cf7 and cf8. Anyways, take it for a spin and let me know your thoughts on it. Especially if you think the plugin would be beneficial for the next ColdBox version 2.6

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