Quick v2.0.0 Released!

We are pleased to announce the general availability of Quick 2.0.0. It's been a long road with 14 betas(!) and months of testing from dedicated users. The end result is a more refined and performant product. Come check out the headline features.
FORGEBOX v4.5.0 Released

Today we are pleased to announce a minor release for our FORGEBOX suite of products: version 4.5.0. This release includes lots of fixes and some great additions. Keep reading for an in-depth review of the release.
FORGEBOX v4.x Released

# FORGEBOX v4.x Has Landed We are so excited to bring one of the biggest releases for FORGEBOX in over a year. We have been working and learning from all the community feedback and have major news to share with the ColdFusion (CFML) world. The full release notes of this major version can be found at the end of the blog post, so read on for all the details of this release. Below we will discuss the major areas of improvement for FORGEBOX ## New UI
The entire UI has been redesigned and updated and we are not even done yet. More is coming for the entire UI/UX experience of FORGEBOX including the CommandBox integrations.
qb 5.2.0 Released!

Quick announcement today about qb. We're excited to announce that starting with version 5.1.0, QB has full query and schema builder support for four major database grammars:
- Microsoft SQL Server (
) - MySQL (
) - Oracle (
) - Postgres (
Set your preferred grammar in your moduleSettings and you are good to go:
New ForgeBox Features — March 2018

ForgeBox 3.0.0 has landed with tons of new features and updates including ForgeBox Storage and ForgeBox Lucee Provider!
Screencast - CommandBox Package Link for Module Development

The package link and package unlink commands are fairly new to CommandBox and here's a brief screencast that shows you a real life use case for them. The package link command will create a symlink from your current directory into your CommandBox's system modules folder and reload your shell.
The 12 Modules of (ForgeBox) Christmas — Day 12 — CFFractal

Welcome to the last day of (ForgeBox) Christmas! I hope you have enjoyed this crash course in these different modules. The ForgeBox ecosystem is vast and wonderful. Next time you have a need, open up https://www.forgebox.io and check to see what the community has already contributed. Let's end today with an introduction to CFFractal, an API marshalling module.
The 12 Tips of (ContentBox) Christmas 2017 - Day 12 - ContentBox Content Galore

At Ortus Solutions, we love the holidays, and we wanted to gift you a gift of developer productivity, we will share a few tips and tricks that will keep giving all year around. In this series we'll be giving you 12 ContentBox tips. Keep your eye out for other 12 tips of Christmas series on our blog, including a new one this year, 12 modules of Christmas on ForgeBox.
Day 12 - ContentBox Content Galore - A lot of people are asking Ortus for information on ContentBox, so we had a month long roadshow for ContentBox. We have a lot of Webinars, and some great Blog posts diving into whats new with ContentBox and some hands on how to's as well.
The 12 Modules of (ForgeBox) Christmas — Day 11 — CommandBox Migrations

Let's tackle a powerful module today. It will take quite a bit of configuration, but hopefully you will see the usefulness of this module by the end of this post. Meet CommandBox Migrations, a tool for managing and running your database migrations with CommandBox.