Meet Our New Content Engine: ContentBox

We are at it again. We are holding a workshop that will introduce you to our new free open source Content Engine: ContentBox. The ColdBox Blog has more info. Head over to the blog to find more info about the workshop.
ColdBox & ContentBox HTML Compressors

We have released today a cool module that will do HTML compression for your ColdBox and ContentBox applications. This module is based off the HTML Compressor and Minifier project ( This module will compress your HTML with certain compiler rules, compress your inline CSS and even your inline JavaScript. It can also keep track of compressed HTML in any CacheBox provider for you,...
ContentBox in the Bay Area ColdFusion User Group

If you will be in the vicinity of San Francisco March 8th, then please drop by to the Bay Area ColdFusion User Group at 6:30 PM. We will be showcasing our new ColdBox powered product, ContentBox. So come and learn about this great new open source content management engine and how ColdBox Modules powers it!
ContentBox in San Francisco March 8, 2012

We are incredibly excited to be going to the San Francisco ColdFusion User Group March 8, 2012. The meeting starts at 6:30 pm and we will be reviewing, installing and configuring ContentBox! So if you will be in the area, come out and introduce yourself. We will have some cool stuff to give away and go over this exciting new open source ColdFu...
Powered by ContentBox CMS!

We are now live running our upcoming product: ContentBox. We are so excited about migrating our entire site and now even sporting a great blog which we call our Ortus BlogBox, in tradition of our *Box products. So please stay tuned to our blog concerning i...
ColdBox Validation Engine for v3.5

Just a quick announcement that we now have finally implemented a validation engine and aggregator in ColdBox for 3.5 release. And in true professional open source style, fully documented: It has an embedded validation engine but it also allows you to use ANY validation framework within ANY ColdBox application as long as it satisfies a few interfaces. Check out our documentation page but here is a little teaser:
ColdBox FileBrowser is here!

A big thanks to Curt Gratz on his awesome efforts and collaboration on this project. The ColdBox FileBrowser module is now available for mass consumption and is a front-runner in ContentBox for media management and integration with CKEditor.
So what is FileBrowser? FileBrowser is a ColdBox Module that will enable file management capabilities in your applications. It can also act as a file or directory chooser and has full integration with
ColdBox Connection: ContentBox Recording

Here is the recording for our presentation today on ContentBox:
...ColdBox Connection: ContentBox January 19th

To start our 2012 ColdBox Connection schedule right, we will be showcasing a first look at ContentBox this Thursday January 19th, 2012 at our usual time: 10AM Pacific Standard Time in our usual channel: