In this screencast we see a demo of the new CommandBox Service Manager module running on Windows and Ubuntu Linux.
CommandBox Service Manager 1.0.0 Released
We are pleased to announce the first release of the CommandBox Service Manager 1.0.0. The Service Manager is a commercial CommandBox module that allows you to create, update, and control Windows Services for your CommandBox servers with ease. You can configure logging, auto-restart, and the user the service runs as. This is ideal for a staging or ...
TestBox Screencast - Code Coverage
In this video, we show how to get started measuring the code coverage of your test suite with TestBox 3.0 and FusionReactor.
CommandBox 4.7.0 Released
We are pleased to announce the general availability of CommandBox 4.7.0. This is a minor release and contains a nice collection of small bug fixes and new enhancements to the CLI.
All docs are updated and viewable here:
You can grab the latest version of the CommandBox via our download page here:
Our apt and yum repos are updated and Homebrew should be updated very soon.
CommandBox Screencast - CFFormat Module
Learn how to format your script CFCs with the CFFormat CommandBox Module.
Support Open Source via new Patreon Levels and Rewards
At Ortus Solutions we are known for building open source projects for the ColdFusion (CFML) community such as ColdBox, CommandBox, ContentBox Modular CMS, ForgeBox and many more. All of those products are licensed under the Apache 2 license and are completely FREE to use and extend.
FORGEBOX v4.7.0 Released
CommandBox Screencast - Forgebox Storage
Learn how to publish packages using ForgeBox's built in S3 storage that uploads your package for you.
CommandBox FusionReactor Module 4.0.0 Released
We've released a new major version of our CommandBox FusionReactor module. This module allows you to easily add FusionReactor to any server you start with no manual installation or fiddling with JVM args.
install commandbox-fusionreactor fr register "myLicenseKey" server start
FORGEBOX v4.5.0 Released
Today we are pleased to announce a minor release for our FORGEBOX suite of products: version 4.5.0. This release includes lots of fixes and some great additions. Keep reading for an in-depth review of the release.